Early Adolescent Growth
Children who are aged 12 or 13 years up to 19 years are in the growth experienced during adolescence. Including the period of adolescence are critical because at this age children experience many changes in the psychic and physical. Mental changes cause confusion among teens so this period is called by the west as a period of Sturm und drang. Why because they experienced turbulent emotions and mental pressure so easy to deviate from rules and social norms prevailing in society.
There are also psychologists who think of adolescence as a transition from childhood into adulthood and lasts for about 10 years, is times when the child no longer wants to be treated again as children, but visits from his physical growth can not be said adults. When children experience the time of adolescence is not the same in each country. The time that varies according to local norms applicable maturity, for example in rural areas are agricultural, children aged 12 years have followed the work should be done in such adults to process fields of rice and their parents. In a situation like this means that adult children who have not been sued by the parents to be responsible. Thus adolescence will end up faster in rural areas. While in urban areas adolescence lasts longer, because the circumstances of life in the city of more complex and pluralistic society because of the influence of background cultural norms and customs, moral values, ethics, and social. Circumstances which lead to a maze of moral values and social uncertainties make the youth grow hesitated, hesitated, and perplexed, so they wondered in his heart, which actually should be chosen and in its guidelines.
Westerners call teens with the term "puberty", while Americans might call "adolensi". Both are transition from childhood into adulthood. Whereas in our country there are using the term "grown-up", "puberty", and the most widely called "teen". Adolensi calls can be defined as youth who have experienced the situation calm. In general, parents and educators tend to refer teens than teens puberty or adolescence adolesen. When viewed from the aspect of biological development, which calls teens than teens puberty or adolescence adolesen. When viewed from the aspect of biological development, the adolescent is referred to those aged 12 to 21 years. Age 12 years is the beginning of puberty for a girl, called the teen if a menstruating (my period) the first. While 13 years is the beginning of puberty for a boy when he experienced during the first dream, he realized that without the release of sperm. If parents do not realize this, the child could be embarrassed and afraid. Usually the girls biological development of its one year faster than biological progress as a young man began his first teenage girl who will end at around the age of 19 years, while new boy to end his adolescence at about age 21 years.
Figure Growth Period Baby to Adult
When viewed theoretically, consist of adolescents adolescence puberty and adolescence adolesen. Teenage puberty itself is still divided again into early puberty, puberty, and late puberty, while adolescents adolesen itself consisted of initial adolesen, adolesensi, and late is adolesen. Then there is the transition from childhood school before he entered puberty, called the pueral. Actually, between the one with the other invisible boundaries. The transition from the period to the next period occur only gradually by not taste, just one-time only a sudden change.
Puberty Period
His essence of his puberty mature form of sex glands. In this girl's first menstrual period marked by the times, while in boys it is marked by mature secondary sexual characteristics, such as changing his voice and hair growth around the genitals. Except that the boys are also characterized by rapid body growth, while at the girl's menstruation actually signifies the end of rapid growth.
Hurlock said that "Puberty is the period in the develop mental Pls span of the child changes from Asexual to sexual beings", is very interesting sentence above, "teenager is a time in human development, when children changed from asexual beings become sexual beings." What does it mean ?
Cook puberty is marked by the reproductive organs so that the physical-biological teen ready reproduce. To the sexual organs of cuisine is also changing patterns of child socialization. When in the late childhood period, individuals were more interested in friends of the same sex, then in puberty heterosexual attraction starts to become more powerful.
Sexual maturity varies between boys and girls, as well as in each sex. For girls, it was moved from the age of nine to eighteen years, while for boys from age eleven to eighteen years. The following table shows the percentage of sexual maturity in boys and girls at every age.
The period of puberty is a period of overlap (overlapping period) that is in the final moments of childhood and early adolescence. Though not last long (roughly the age of 12 - 14 years for females, and 13 - 15 years for men), the period of puberty is a period that is quite difficult for the individual. Incoming call alert: The emergence of secondary sexual signs on certain body parts is not unusual for a surprise. First menstruation in women (nenarche) or a wet dream in men (wet dream / nocturnal ejaculation), otherwise prepared or described individual would be embarrassed and feel inferior. Adjustment difficulties in these ages often they experienced.
From the table above show that in general, girls have matured for two years now significantly earlier than boys and that boys remain in a smaller percentage except in late adolescence.
Sexual maturity is important for adolescents. Their reaction to sexual maturity varies: some are embarrassed, some pretend as if nothing happened changes nothing, nothing to be afraid, and there is a feeling of pride.
The main characteristic of puberty is the period in addition to the growth of secondary sexual signs, body growth is fast enough (high / large entity). Besides the behavior characterized by negativism, which in addition are often withdrawn (often fighting with siblings and peers), bored with the various activities that are usually popular, casual living (untidy, awkward), antagonistic, opposing the will of the people who he respected, hostile with opposite sex friends (but his attitude will be the opposite at the end of puberty) her mood easily changes from melancholic to angry, irritable and depressed inner, lack confidence and fear of failure becomes greater, and they are more polite than usual because they fear other people commented negatively on the changes that have happened to him.
Acceptance and rejection of various changes in the body will greatly affect its readiness to enter the adult world of adolescence. Puberty is also known as the rise of personality when his interest is more directed toward their own personal development. That is the center of personal thoughts. There are several characteristics that stand out during this period, which is not equally strong in all teenagers. Among these traits are:
A. Long-abandoned Opinions
They want to set a new establishment. At times looking for the truth that things do not turn into desultory.
B. Disturbed the balance of his soul
They like to challenge tradition, thought they were capable of determining their opinions about all the problems of life. They used their own stance as a guide to life. Because of that attitude and actions are not completely calm.
C. Like to hide the contents of his heart
Teenage puberty like a puzzle, because it is difficult dived his soul. Good deeds and actions can not be used as guidelines to determine her mental complexion. Soon he was acting rough, then he looks gentle, sometimes he likes to daydream, and then he looked vigorous and happy again.
D. The period of awakening the feeling of community
In this period had begun a friendship because it united with the encouragement of peers growing stronger, but his attitude still opposes the authority of adults. They pay more attention to teasing friends rather than adults ridicule. They founded the club, they set their own rules, they chose their chairman, but the old associations are usually not durable.
E. Differences in attitudes young girl with an attitude
Differences between boys and girls is huge, especially in the sex differences. A young man has sexual desires that arise by themselves, and experienced much stronger than that felt by a girl. For a normal girl, sexual things that can be likened to the daughter who was sleeping in the woods. If a young man kissed her, he would wake up from bed. Sleeping girl feeling like a beautiful daughter that means the girl's feelings are not real. before he experienced in romance, although he did not put the heart to see that handsome young man. In contrast arises in him a particular desire when he sees an attractive girl of his heart.
Attitude of the youth:
1. Active in providing, protecting, and helping.
2. Want to rebel and criticized
3. Want to find freedom to think, act, and also obtained the rights to speak
4. Imitative acts of people who adored
5. Her interest focused on abstract things
6. More worship one's own cleverness than men
Attitude girl
1. Like to be protected and assisted
2. The drive was softened by a feeling bound to the rules and traditions
3. Want to be loved and to please others
4. Do not want to imitate, rather passive
5. Her interest aimed at the real things
6. Jump adore men
Adolescent : anak remaja
Experience : pengalaman
Turbulent : bergolak
Pressure : tekanan
Deviate : menyimpang
Prevailing : berlaku
Childhood : masa kanak-kanak
Adulthood : masa dewasa, kedewasaan
Applicable : dapat dipakai
Rural : pedesaan
Sued : dituntut
Circumstances : keadaan
Maze : simpang siur
Perplexed : bingung, membingungkan
Guidelines : garis pedoman, dipedomaninya
Calm : ketenangan
Occur : terjadi
Gradually : secara berangsur-angsur
Sudden : mendadak
Glands : kelenjar
Adore : memuja
Children who are aged 12 or 13 years up to 19 years are in the growth experienced during adolescence. Including the period of adolescence are critical because at this age children experience many changes in the psychic and physical. Mental changes cause confusion among teens so this period is called by the west as a period of Sturm und drang. Why because they experienced turbulent emotions and mental pressure so easy to deviate from rules and social norms prevailing in society.
There are also psychologists who think of adolescence as a transition from childhood into adulthood and lasts for about 10 years, is times when the child no longer wants to be treated again as children, but visits from his physical growth can not be said adults. When children experience the time of adolescence is not the same in each country. The time that varies according to local norms applicable maturity, for example in rural areas are agricultural, children aged 12 years have followed the work should be done in such adults to process fields of rice and their parents. In a situation like this means that adult children who have not been sued by the parents to be responsible. Thus adolescence will end up faster in rural areas. While in urban areas adolescence lasts longer, because the circumstances of life in the city of more complex and pluralistic society because of the influence of background cultural norms and customs, moral values, ethics, and social. Circumstances which lead to a maze of moral values and social uncertainties make the youth grow hesitated, hesitated, and perplexed, so they wondered in his heart, which actually should be chosen and in its guidelines.
Westerners call teens with the term "puberty", while Americans might call "adolensi". Both are transition from childhood into adulthood. Whereas in our country there are using the term "grown-up", "puberty", and the most widely called "teen". Adolensi calls can be defined as youth who have experienced the situation calm. In general, parents and educators tend to refer teens than teens puberty or adolescence adolesen. When viewed from the aspect of biological development, which calls teens than teens puberty or adolescence adolesen. When viewed from the aspect of biological development, the adolescent is referred to those aged 12 to 21 years. Age 12 years is the beginning of puberty for a girl, called the teen if a menstruating (my period) the first. While 13 years is the beginning of puberty for a boy when he experienced during the first dream, he realized that without the release of sperm. If parents do not realize this, the child could be embarrassed and afraid. Usually the girls biological development of its one year faster than biological progress as a young man began his first teenage girl who will end at around the age of 19 years, while new boy to end his adolescence at about age 21 years.
Figure Growth Period Baby to Adult
When viewed theoretically, consist of adolescents adolescence puberty and adolescence adolesen. Teenage puberty itself is still divided again into early puberty, puberty, and late puberty, while adolescents adolesen itself consisted of initial adolesen, adolesensi, and late is adolesen. Then there is the transition from childhood school before he entered puberty, called the pueral. Actually, between the one with the other invisible boundaries. The transition from the period to the next period occur only gradually by not taste, just one-time only a sudden change.
Puberty Period
His essence of his puberty mature form of sex glands. In this girl's first menstrual period marked by the times, while in boys it is marked by mature secondary sexual characteristics, such as changing his voice and hair growth around the genitals. Except that the boys are also characterized by rapid body growth, while at the girl's menstruation actually signifies the end of rapid growth.
Hurlock said that "Puberty is the period in the develop mental Pls span of the child changes from Asexual to sexual beings", is very interesting sentence above, "teenager is a time in human development, when children changed from asexual beings become sexual beings." What does it mean ?
Cook puberty is marked by the reproductive organs so that the physical-biological teen ready reproduce. To the sexual organs of cuisine is also changing patterns of child socialization. When in the late childhood period, individuals were more interested in friends of the same sex, then in puberty heterosexual attraction starts to become more powerful.
Sexual maturity varies between boys and girls, as well as in each sex. For girls, it was moved from the age of nine to eighteen years, while for boys from age eleven to eighteen years. The following table shows the percentage of sexual maturity in boys and girls at every age.
The period of puberty is a period of overlap (overlapping period) that is in the final moments of childhood and early adolescence. Though not last long (roughly the age of 12 - 14 years for females, and 13 - 15 years for men), the period of puberty is a period that is quite difficult for the individual. Incoming call alert: The emergence of secondary sexual signs on certain body parts is not unusual for a surprise. First menstruation in women (nenarche) or a wet dream in men (wet dream / nocturnal ejaculation), otherwise prepared or described individual would be embarrassed and feel inferior. Adjustment difficulties in these ages often they experienced.
From the table above show that in general, girls have matured for two years now significantly earlier than boys and that boys remain in a smaller percentage except in late adolescence.
Sexual maturity is important for adolescents. Their reaction to sexual maturity varies: some are embarrassed, some pretend as if nothing happened changes nothing, nothing to be afraid, and there is a feeling of pride.
The main characteristic of puberty is the period in addition to the growth of secondary sexual signs, body growth is fast enough (high / large entity). Besides the behavior characterized by negativism, which in addition are often withdrawn (often fighting with siblings and peers), bored with the various activities that are usually popular, casual living (untidy, awkward), antagonistic, opposing the will of the people who he respected, hostile with opposite sex friends (but his attitude will be the opposite at the end of puberty) her mood easily changes from melancholic to angry, irritable and depressed inner, lack confidence and fear of failure becomes greater, and they are more polite than usual because they fear other people commented negatively on the changes that have happened to him.
Acceptance and rejection of various changes in the body will greatly affect its readiness to enter the adult world of adolescence. Puberty is also known as the rise of personality when his interest is more directed toward their own personal development. That is the center of personal thoughts. There are several characteristics that stand out during this period, which is not equally strong in all teenagers. Among these traits are:
A. Long-abandoned Opinions
They want to set a new establishment. At times looking for the truth that things do not turn into desultory.
B. Disturbed the balance of his soul
They like to challenge tradition, thought they were capable of determining their opinions about all the problems of life. They used their own stance as a guide to life. Because of that attitude and actions are not completely calm.
C. Like to hide the contents of his heart
Teenage puberty like a puzzle, because it is difficult dived his soul. Good deeds and actions can not be used as guidelines to determine her mental complexion. Soon he was acting rough, then he looks gentle, sometimes he likes to daydream, and then he looked vigorous and happy again.
D. The period of awakening the feeling of community
In this period had begun a friendship because it united with the encouragement of peers growing stronger, but his attitude still opposes the authority of adults. They pay more attention to teasing friends rather than adults ridicule. They founded the club, they set their own rules, they chose their chairman, but the old associations are usually not durable.
E. Differences in attitudes young girl with an attitude
Differences between boys and girls is huge, especially in the sex differences. A young man has sexual desires that arise by themselves, and experienced much stronger than that felt by a girl. For a normal girl, sexual things that can be likened to the daughter who was sleeping in the woods. If a young man kissed her, he would wake up from bed. Sleeping girl feeling like a beautiful daughter that means the girl's feelings are not real. before he experienced in romance, although he did not put the heart to see that handsome young man. In contrast arises in him a particular desire when he sees an attractive girl of his heart.
Attitude of the youth:
1. Active in providing, protecting, and helping.
2. Want to rebel and criticized
3. Want to find freedom to think, act, and also obtained the rights to speak
4. Imitative acts of people who adored
5. Her interest focused on abstract things
6. More worship one's own cleverness than men
Attitude girl
1. Like to be protected and assisted
2. The drive was softened by a feeling bound to the rules and traditions
3. Want to be loved and to please others
4. Do not want to imitate, rather passive
5. Her interest aimed at the real things
6. Jump adore men
Adolescent : anak remaja
Experience : pengalaman
Turbulent : bergolak
Pressure : tekanan
Deviate : menyimpang
Prevailing : berlaku
Childhood : masa kanak-kanak
Adulthood : masa dewasa, kedewasaan
Applicable : dapat dipakai
Rural : pedesaan
Sued : dituntut
Circumstances : keadaan
Maze : simpang siur
Perplexed : bingung, membingungkan
Guidelines : garis pedoman, dipedomaninya
Calm : ketenangan
Occur : terjadi
Gradually : secara berangsur-angsur
Sudden : mendadak
Glands : kelenjar
Adore : memuja